Post by Windwalker on Jan 29, 2018 8:05:28 GMT -5
Since Midnight High Temperature Low Temperature 55.2°F at 12:00:22 AM 48.9°F at 06:44:33 AM High Heat Index Low Wind Chill 55.2°F at 12:00:22 AM 43.4°F at 06:51:36 AM High Humidity Low Humidity 61% at 12:00:22 AM 45% at 07:04:40 AM High Dewpoint Low Dewpoint 42.0°F at 12:00:22 AM 28.7°F at 07:04:40 AM High Barometer Low Barometer 30.311 inHg at 07:00:38 AM 30.237 inHg at 03:58:40 AM Today's Rain 0.01 in High Rain Rate 0.05 in/hr at 03:15:00 AM High Wind 18 mph from N/A at 05:55:18 AM Average Wind 7 mph RMS Wind 7 mph Vector Average Speed Vector Average Direction 7 mph 353° High Inside Temperature Low Inside Temperature 70.0°F at 12:00:22 AM 66.4°F at 06:25:27 AM
Post by weatherdude on Feb 1, 2018 15:58:48 GMT -5
Cloudy and 47 degrees.
Post by pastormjunkie on Feb 5, 2018 12:10:38 GMT -5
Sunny and 30 degrees.
Post by Windwalker on Feb 6, 2018 6:25:39 GMT -5
It is currently 48.6°F with a SE wind blowing at 0.4 mph and gusts of 2.2 mph. So far no precipitation has been observed today. The current pressure is 30.38 inHg and steady. The humidity is now 40 % and dew point and apparent temperature 25.3°F and 43.9°F.
Post by weatherdude on Feb 7, 2018 12:54:26 GMT -5
A bit of ice this morning. Now just a cold rain. Yuk.
Post by Windwalker on Feb 8, 2018 7:28:54 GMT -5
It is currently 35.2°F with a N wind blowing at 2.1 mph and gusts of 3.8 mph. So far no precipitation has been observed today. The current pressure is 30.57 inHg and rising slowly. The humidity is now 74 % and dew point and apparent temperature 27.7°F and 30.0°F.
Post by weatherdude on Feb 8, 2018 15:32:19 GMT -5
Nice day. High 31.